Ever wanted to see JTT in action? Then there is no time like the present! JTT is already used on numerous websites, some hosted on GitHub Pages, some elsewhere. Take a look at some excellent examples on how JTT can be used!

Apart from my very own blog, the Jekyll Template Toolkit (JTT) you can see JTT in action at the following sites / being used by the following people:

Jeremy Friesen uses JTT in his blog under the title “Take on Rules”. His blog shows how the category and tags pages look with a multitude of entries.

lock zhang uses JTT in his personal blog, where you can see the archive widget with posts way back ‘til 2011, as well as another example for the tags page and the linear scaling tag cloud as widget in the sidebar!

And since all good things go by three, I finally present JTT on the personal blog of Marcos Serpa*, who also happens to blog about things that I actually enjoy to read.

I hope you find these demonstrations of at least a whole bunch of the features of JTT useful. If you are using JTT feel free to leave comments by filing an issue on GitHub.